Diversity of Thought Blog

Psychological Safety and Gender Stereotypes


The 100% Project, in conjunction with Deakin University, is conducting research to investigate the impact of psychological safety on men’s likelihood to request family friendly work arrangements. The research project, titled Breaking Dad: Psychological safety and more time at home for men, is one of the first studies to look at the impact of psychological safety on gender stereotypes in the Australian workplace. If you are male and employed within Australia we need your input; complete the survey now!

Our aim at The 100% Project is to address the gender imbalance in leadership opportunities in the Australian workplace. Our mission is to challenge organisational leaders to change the practices and mindsets within their organisations to address gender constraints that exist in the workplace. This study forms part of The 100% Project’s research effort within the Australian context and is being conducted in partnership with Deakin University and with the support of People Measures.

Your participation involves completing an online questionnaire, which will take approximately 5-10 minutes in total. You will receive clear instructions and an explanation before the study. To participate you must be over the age of 18, male, and currently working in Australia. Participation in this study is completely voluntary and anonymous. A Plain Language Statement is presented if you follow the link, which outlines the study and contains important information for participants. Please read this before consenting to and commencing the study.

A report of aggregated results will be available on The 100% Project website when the study has been completed.

If you have any questions, please contact:

Frances Feenstra
Phone: 9645 7981
Email: frances.feenstra@peoplemeasures.com.au

Jennifer Winspear (Student Researcher – Deakin University)
Phone: 0452 274 334
Email: jwinspear@deakin.edu.au

This study has received Deakin University ethics approval (ref: HEAG-H 07_2019).

If you have any work colleagues, family or friends that would also be interested in helping us with this research, we ask you to please share this information with them.